CanSecWest 2005
New Security Analysis Techniques Christopher Abad Presentation -
Packet generation with scapy Philippe Biondi Presentation -
Windows Internals Cesar Cerrudo Presentation Sources
Large Memory Usage Gael Delalleau Presentation -
Mobile Workstations, mitigating the crawling trojans Cedric Blancher Presentation -
0wn3d by an iPod: Firewire1394 Issues Maximillian Dornseif Presentation -
Stack Protection Systems (ProPolice, XP SP2...) Hiroaki Eto Presentation -
The Use of Network Flows in Security Nicolas Fischbach Presentation -
Binary Difference Analysis Halvar Flake - -
Hacking NMAP and mapping techniques Fyodor Presentation -
ICMP Attacks Fernando Gont - -
Mobile Phone Symbian OS Security Job de Haas - -
Step into Ring 0 Barnaby Jack Presentation -
Rogue Access Points Shane "K2" Macaulay, Dino Dai Zovi - -
OSVDB & Vulnerability Databases Brian Martin, Jake Kouns Presentation -
0wn3d by everything else - USB/PCMCIA Issues David Maynor Presentation -
Advances in Exploit Technology H D Moore & spoonm Presentation -
Target Based IDS and Snort Roadmap Marty Roesch Presentation -
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System Mike Schiffman - -
XPSP2 Internals Snyder - -
Anti-Virus Issues Alex Wheeler, Neel Mehta Presentation -